Annals of Applied Sport Science- COVER LETTER

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The manuscript must be accompanied by a signed cover­ing let­ter (it should be uploaded through the online system as a scanned copy) to the Editor-in-Chief guaranteeing that:

The manuscript is the original work of the author. All data, tables, figures, etc. used in the manuscript are prepared originally by authors, otherwise, the sources are cited and reprint permission should be attached.

The manuscript has not been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted elsewhere for publication.


Conflict of interest: To prevent the information on potential conflict of interest for authors from being overlooked or misplaced, mention this information in the covering letter.

CopyRight: Agreement with copyright must be stated in the covering letter.


You can download the cover­ing let­ter from here: Covering Letter


Attach the fulfilled form to the "Cover­ing Let­ter" section located in the "Send New Article" form.

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