year 8, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2020, 8(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Imanzadeh R, Khodayari A, Ghasemi H, Rasekh N. The Effective Factors of the Development of Taekwondo in Iran and Presenting the Model. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2020; 8 (2)
1- Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Science, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2- Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Science, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran ,
3- Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4- Department of Sport Management, Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran (SSRI), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5585 Views)
Background. Sport development is a field of study that has received increasing scholarly attention since the 1970s. However, there is no comprehensive study in development of Taekwondo especially in Iran.
Objectives. The present study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the development of taekwondo in Iran and the presentation model. Methods. The study was conducted in mixed method. To this end, the sample of the present study in the qualitative section consisted of 25 subjects with 277 subjects participating in the quantitative.
Methods. The study was conducted in a mixed method. To this end, the sample of the present study in the qualitative
section consisted of 25 subjects with 277 subjects participating in the quantitative method. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed by experts using Cronbach's alpha test. SPSS software version 22 was used for the descriptive analysis and AMOS software for the analysis of the structural equation modeling.
Results. According to Goodness of Fit indices (χ2/df= 21.91; RMSEA=0.068; CFI= 0.915; NFI= 0.909; IFI=0.901) in confirmatory factor analysis, the measurement model is fit for taekwondo development in Iran. Therefore, economic, political, socio-cultural, administrative, technological, sporting, facilities, and equipment factors can be integrated into the model.
Conclusion. Given that administrative factor is the highest ranking in effective factors on the development of taekwondo, it is necessary to pay attention to develop a strategic plan for Taekwondo in accordance with the long-term plan of the World Federation, establish of management stability instead of stability Managers and the use of interdisciplinary teams of experts from marketing, operational, and R & D areas.
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- Since results showed that socio-cultural factor is one of factors that affect factor in the development of taekwondo in Iran, it is recommended that the officials of Taekwondo to promote socio-cultural factor such as positive changes in the views of the people towards Taekwondo through appropriate advertising and pay particular attention to Taekwondo in schools.
- Based on our study, technological factor is one of factors that affect factor in the development of taekwondo in Iran. Therefore, it is proposed to introduce strategies such as path the ways for equipping clubs, conducting training courses using foreign professors, using quality equipment for athletes, establishing knowledge management systems in the body of the Taekwondo Federation, and updating the topics of coaching courses.
- The results from our study suggested that economic factor is one of factors that affect factor in the development of taekwondo in Iran, solutions such as willingness to invest in the private sector for investment like granting bank facilities to invest in taekwondo must be applied. In addition, paying attention to the revenue from the sports clubs, encouraging and supporting the activity of taekwondo players, cooperation between the private sector and the government, and attracting sport tourists through Taekwondo can promote of taekwondo.
- Current study suggested that political factor is one of factors that affect factor in the development of taekwondo in Iran. Thus, it is proposed to create of supportive laws, establish television broadcasting rights, and develop of foreign investment support laws, increase of the share of Taekwondo budget from the total sport budget of the country and the increase of political relations with other countries.
- Present study showed that facilities and equipment factor is one of factors that affect factor in the development of taekwondo in Iran. Thus, it is necessary to use strategies such as proper management of sports spaces, the promotion of sports clubs to federations and boards, the proper management of gyms, attention to the revenues of the facilities available to the Iran Taekwondo federation and the clubs and the multifunctional use of sports spaces (competitions, training and talent identification) for promote facilities and equipment factor.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Management and its related branches
Received: 2019/05/20 | Accepted: 2019/07/12

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