year 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2023)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023, 11(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Abouzeid N, Amira M S, Hassan A K. A Proposed Vision for Human Resources Investment and its Role in Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Sports Institutions. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023; 11 (3)
1- Department of Physical Education, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Department of Team Sports and Racket Games, Faculty College of Physical Education, Helwan University, Egypt
2- Department of Physical Education, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Department of Aquatic Sports in dept. Of Theories and Applications of Competitive and Aquatic Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Sadat City, Egypt
3- Department of Physical Education, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Department of Team Sports and Racket Games, Faculty College of Physical Education, Minia University, Minya, Egypt
Abstract:   (829 Views)
Background. Sports institutions in developed countries have many resources that can be used to achieve a competitive advantage as well as a country’s specific goal. The success of the establishment or institution depends to a large extent on the skill with which the workers of the administration perform.
Objectives. The purpose of the study was in a vision for investment in human resources and their role in achieving a competitive advantage in sports institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Methods. We used the descriptive approach and We selected the research sample by the random class method from the number of sports institutions (25) and the number of individuals (228).
Results. The results showed that the response Rate to the axes of the questionnaire on the reality of human resources investment to achieve a competitive advantage in sports institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranges between 58% and 71%. Current investment in human resources is limited in Saudi sports institutions.
Conclusion. We also observed a lack of effective planning for human resources management, weak mechanisms to train human resources, and a lack of effective methods to develop administrative and organizational policies. Moreover, there is little evaluation and follow-up to measure the feasibility of organizational and economic financing, investment, and marketing to distinguish a sports institution from its peers. The lack of an approved system for the evaluation of this problem is observed for all employees of the institution based on scientific foundations. A lack of transparency and objectivity in evaluation leads to employee dissatisfaction, as well as a lack of participation of employees at the beginning of their opinion on the negative evaluation within the institution.
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• The low reality of investing human resources to achieve a competitive advantage in sports institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
• The absence of effective planning for human resources management to achieve a competitive advantage in sports institutions.
• The weakness of the mechanisms used to train human resources to achieve a competitive advantage in sports institutions.
• The lack of effective methods for developing administrative and organizational policies to strengthen the competitive advantage in institutions.
• The absence of evaluation and follow-up methods to measure the organizational and economic feasibility of financing, investment, and marketing that distinguish the sports institution from others.
• The absence of an approved system for performance evaluation that is applied to all employees of the institution based on scientific foundations.
• Non-participation of employees in expressing their opinions about evaluation methods within the institution.
• The absence of a clear strategy of competition within sports institutions and the inability of those in charge of managing institutions to formulate and implement strategies.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Management and its related branches
Received: 2023/02/1 | Accepted: 2023/03/30

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