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Millard L, Breukelman G J, Joyisa C, Bhengu N T. Benefits of Physical Activity on Stroke Recovering Patients: A Review of The Literature. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023; 11 (S1)
URL: http://aassjournal.com/article-1-1145-en.html
1- Department of Human Movement Science, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3866, South Africa , MillardL@unizulu.ac.za
2- Department of Human Movement Science, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3866, South Africa
Abstract:   (1593 Views)
Background. Stroke is one of the world's most serious social and health problems. The incorporation of tailored physical activity and exercise into the rehabilitation process and post-rehabilitation phase could portray a successful action primarily directed at the cognitive and functional recovery of brain-injured individuals following a stroke. Exercise has been shown to provide both physical and psychological benefits for post-stroke patients.
Objectives. To identify and discuss the physical activities that are beneficial to stroke-recovering patients.
Methods. A keyword search was used with the following headings; “benefits of physical activity”, “stroke”, “physical activity”, “recovering patients”, “physical activity guidelines”, “exercises”, “health benefits”, “stroke survivors”, “epidemiology stroke”, “prevention”, “incidence of stroke”, “statistical data on stroke”, “type of strokes”, “elderly”, “case fatality”, “mortality”, “morbidity”, and “risk factors” “physical fitness” which were combined and exploded.
Results. Only 46 full-text English-language articles were found among 1,897 citations through electronic searches. The information was judged appropriate for use in this study.
Conclusion. The use of different types of exercise training (e.g., aerobic, strength, flexibility, neuromuscular and traditional Chinese exercise) for stroke survivors is firmly supported by evidence. Exercise training enhances functional capacity, daily living ability, and quality of life while also lowering the risk of cardiovascular events. To maximize long-term adherence, stroke survivors' physical activity goals and exercise prescriptions should be tailored to them individually.
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• Previously searched benefits of physical activity have shown that aerobic exercise helps increase VO2 and peak working loads in medium to large-size stroke patients.
• From primary to secondary objectives this review has highlighted areas for future research, pointing to opportunities to broaden the scope of the knowledge base.
• It's unknown how training affects death, dependency, and impairment following a stroke.
• There is enough data to recommend incorporating cardiorespiratory training, which includes walking, into post-stroke rehabilitation to increase walking speed, tolerance, and independence.
• More research is needed to find the best exercise prescription after a stroke and to see whether there are any long-term benefits.

Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Exercise, Training and Health
Received: 2022/08/24 | Accepted: 2022/11/15

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