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Sepdanius E, Komaini A, Rifki M S, Afriani R, Ilham I, Pranoto N W. Cow Race Local Wisdom From Tradition, Recreation to Tourism Destination. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023; 11 (S1)
URL: http://aassjournal.com/article-1-1172-en.html
1- Department of Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. Indonesia
2- Department of Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. Indonesia , msr_rifki@fik.unp.ac.id
3- Department of History, Faculty of Social, Universitas Negeri Padang. Indonesia
Abstract:   (1505 Views)
Background. Cows have helped farmers pull tools to work the paddy fields for agriculture in Tanah Datar. The process of cultivating paddy fields becomes faster and the harvest becomes better. The improved harvest results are expressed by people riding cows in the harvested paddy fields as a form of happiness and this activity continues until it becomes a tourist destination.
Objectives. The purpose of this research was to explore the history of the implementation and the displacement of the implementation purpose of cow race activity as local wisdom in Tanah Datar West Sumatera Indonesia.
Methods. This research used a qualitative research approach with a descriptive method. The informant of this research were 12 people from their area. This research used methodological triangulation to get the validation of data. Methodological triangulation was used to obtain data validity; use interviewing techniques to collect data and use documentation to prove the appropriate participants as sources of information. There are three steps to analyzing data those were reduced, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.
Results. The results of this research were 1) Cow race started from the paddy field plow tradition by using cows that became recreational facilities for the society around and grow as a tourism destination without reducing the value of the activity, 2) The participants that followed the cow race were not only wishing for the award but also a tradition and culture that had to be protected and preserved together, and 3) There was an additional value from time to time in a cow race activity that was seen in the purpose, social activity, religion, object, and all things involved in this activity.
Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, the local wisdom of the cow race in Tanah Datar was able to adapt to the time development without changing the values in that activity.
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• The cow race is important in the history of Tanah Datar community life as a transition from traditional, recreation, and tourist destination.
• The cow race is a valuable asset and needs to be given special attention in order to develop into an important part of the community's economy.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Sociology and History
Received: 2023/01/11 | Accepted: 2023/03/20

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