year 12, Issue 2 (Summer 2024)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2024, 12(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Teo E W, Ling A, Chin N S, Polman R, Rarujanai K, Kho L S. Psychometrics’ Properties of Sports Commitment Questionnaire-2 among Racquet Sports Athletes in Malaysia. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2024; 12 (2)
1- Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ,
2- Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3- Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Batu Lintang, Kuching, Malaysia
4- Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
5- Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tun Abdul Razak, Kota Samarahan, Malaysia
Abstract:   (1016 Views)
Background. Sports psychologists believe sports commitment is important to indicate the desire to continue or cease participation in sports from a psychosocial perspective. The Sports Commitment Questionnaire-2 (SCQ-2) has been developed and validated to investigate athletes’ commitment in sports settings in Western countries but not in Malaysia. Hence, it is essential to establish instrument validity before being widely used in Malaysia, especially among athletes.
Objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Sports Commitment Questionnaire-2 (SCQ-2) among Malaysian racquet sports athletes.
Methods. This is a cross-sectional study, a total of 416 players (245 males/ 171 females, µ age=29.94±11.47) completed the SCQ-2 (Scanlan et al., 2016) consisting of 58 items measuring ten factors and two dimensions of sports commitment. We examined the psychometric properties of SCQ-2, by conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis and examined discriminant validity and composite reliability (CR).
Results. Initial fit indices of the hypothesized measurement model did not achieve satisfactory fit. But, after further model modification i.e., deleting 3 items resulted in good data fit (CFI=0.90, RMSEA=0.05, TLI=0.90, X²/df=2.14). Discriminant validity also met the suggested cutoff value (< 0.90). whereas  CR values were acceptable for the subscales ranging from 0.77 to 0.89. Convergent validity (AVE, ranging from 0.50 to 0.58) and discriminant validity (<0.90) were also established.
Conclusion. The SCQ-2 showed adequate validity and reliability which enable sports practitioners to access athletes' commitment in a sports context.
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  • This study confirmed the psychometric properties of SCQ-2 which consists of ten factors and two sport commitment dimensions. Through the validation of SCQ-2 in Malaysia, sports psychologists and practitioners can assess Malaysian athletes’ commitment and the factors that drive them to participate in sports.
  • This could help sports psychologists and practitioners to foster the identified factors by designing a proper and inviting environment for athletes to promote active involvement in sports of athletes.
  • In addition, SCQ-2 is also able to provide useful information on the factors and level of sports commitment before and after a period of the intervention program.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Psychology and its Related Branches
Received: 2023/10/31 | Accepted: 2024/01/6

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