year 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2020, 8(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Al Awamleh A. Students Satisfaction on Blended Learning in the School of Sport Sciences. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2020; 8 (1)
Department of Instruction and Supervision, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan ,
Abstract:   (12299 Views)
Background. Blended learning (BL) requires a virtual learning and online environment (VLE), which makes available a process for establishing learning communities. The Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Jordan designed several courses which incorporate blended learning with contact classes and online components on e-learning models.
Objectives. The present study is to investigate if modes of BL possible influence on students’ perceived achievement goals and satisfaction.
Methods. The research model is tested using a questionnaire survey.  Eighty-three undergraduate sports students participated in the courses (Motor Learning) offered by the University’s Faculty of Physical Education. The participants were divided into two groups.
Results. Indicated that students were satisfied with the blended program and online learning environments, satisfaction was generally high with 83.4%. The results also show that BL rotation type (students rotate between online and traditional content on a fixed schedule) significantly affects learning satisfaction. Moreover, the quality of the teaching received the highest satisfaction level where interaction significantly affected self-study.
Conclusion. The feedback of students who are amongst the critical stakeholders is essential to ensure a successful implementation of bent learning.
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- The results found that students were satisfied with the blended program and online learning environments; satisfaction was generally high.
-Future research might also be conducted to determine students’ satisfaction levels, including theoretical and practical courses.
-It would be beneficial to replicate this study with a larger population sample in other faculties. Although this study endeavored to assess students’ blended learning satisfaction level in the school of Sports Sciences, the results of this study and the research that supports it provide a strong rationale for why including blended learning in sports school or higher education programs is essential.
-Focusing on high-quality lectures, improving the ability to use VLE (e-learning) and creating opportunities for students to develop their self-study could also help sports institutions to maintain high levels of student satisfaction on blended learning.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Physical Education Learning
Received: 2019/09/23 | Accepted: 2019/11/10

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