year 9, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2021, 9(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Dergaa I, Abdelrahman H, Varma A, Yousfi N, Souissi A, Ghram A, et al . COVID-19 Vaccination, Herd Immunity and The Transition Toward Normalcy: Challenges with The Upcoming Sports Events. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2021; 9 (3)
1- PHCC, Primary Health Care Corporation, Doha, Qatar ,
2- PHCC, Primary Health Care Corporation, Doha, Qatar
3- Research Laboratory “Sport Performance Optimization”, National Centre of Medicine and Science in Sport (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia
4- Hamad Bin Khalifa University, College of Health and Life Science
5- HMC, Hamad Medical Corporation, PO Box 3050, Doha, Qatar
6- Department of Sport Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
7- Institut Supérieur du Sport et de l’éducation physique de Sfax, Université de Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia. Activité Physique, Sport et Santé, UR18JS01, Observatoire National du Sport, Tunis, Tunisia
8- Depratment of exercise physiology, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, kish International Campus
9- Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran
Abstract:   (4889 Views)
Background. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has created an unprecedented and daunting challenge for humanity to survive. This has also affected the sporting events across the globe as the majority of the tournaments have been cancelled or postponed as a result. For life to return to pre-pandemic normalcy, an effective and safe vaccination program needs to be implemented, be readily accessible, widely available, and affordable at the same time.
Objectives. In this review, we analyze various challenges which demonstrate that COVID-19 is far from over.
Methods. A systematic literature search was conducted on PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Google Scholar, and Scopus from the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic to 22 June 2021. The current report is a summary of data regarding challenges faced by the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and the challenges for a transition toward normalcy, especially for big sports events.
Results. The current COVID-19 pandemic has likely resulted in sporting events and tournaments being canceled, postponed, or held without or with restricted spectators around the world. A combination of measures including prompt vaccination with the beneficial impact of the vaccines in reducing the severity of disease, advances in treatment, expanded use of diagnostics and better implementation of public-health policies are a necessity. Following this implementation, a transition toward normality could be expected when the mortality rate of COVID-19 simulates the average influenza statistics, with public-health measures continuing to play an important role worldwide.
Conclusion. The authors believe that COVID-19 will be endemic in the human population, similar to seasonal influenza and that COVID-19 vaccines will be included as an add-on to seasonal influenza vaccinations, being administered every winter for at least the next few decades. With adequate vaccination, the sporting world will be able to withstand the challenges and resume global events, returning to pre-Covid levels of normalcy.
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  • • To significantly reduce deaths from COVID-19, a combination of measures including prompt vaccination (especially for the at-risk population) with the beneficial impact of the vaccines in reducing the severity of disease, advances in treatment, expanded use of diagnostics, and better implementation of public-health policies are a necessity.
  • • Following this implementation, a transition toward normality could be expected when the mortality rate of COVID-19 simulates the average influenza statistics, with public-health measures continuing to play an important role worldwide. There has to be a realistic view concerning the duration of immunity and long-term vaccine safety (given the limited data available so far). Herd immunity might take longer than expected to establish.
  • • The authors feel that COVID-19 will be endemic in the human population like seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccines would be incorporated in seasonal influenza vaccinations as an add-on, being administered every winter for the next few decades at least! With adequate vaccination, the sporting world can withstand the challenges and hope to restart the global events that are getting back to normalcy as pre-COVID times.

Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Exercise, Training and Health
Received: 2021/06/22 | Accepted: 2021/07/2

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