All manuscripts must be written in English, with attention to concise language, a logical structure and flow of information, and correct grammatical style. We appreciate that many of our authors do not speak English as their first language and may need assistance to reach the standards required by the journal. In addition, some younger authors may not be experienced in scientific writing styles. Since manuscripts that fail to meet the journal's writing standards will not be sent out for review, such authors should seek assistance from native English speakers and/or experienced colleagues before submitting their papers. Many journals acknowledge the existence of companies that offer professional editing services. An example of such a service can be found at or; this information does not constitute an endorsement of this service. Use of an editorial service is at the discretion and cost of the authors and will not guarantee acceptance for publication in Ann Appl Sport Sci.
It is noted that all manuscripts go under first revision by editors for three main aspects:
1. Innovation of research title (It should be mentioned in the Introduction)
2. Application of research results (It should be mentioned in the Applicable Remarks)
3. References (all of your references must be trusty, and their abstracts must be researchable from reliable online databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Springer, Emerald, ScienceDirect, Wiley, etc.)
These Types of References aren't acceptable:
a) Books
b) Theses/Dissertations.
c) Conferences Articles
d) Articles in local publications