Manuscript Withdrawal is an action that removes the manuscript from the review process and returns it to the author's dashboard.
From the viewpoint of Ann Appl Sport Sci, authors should not withdraw the article since doing so wastes valuable manuscript processing time, money, and work invested by the publisher.
If the author(s) want to withdraw the submitted manuscript during the "Peer-Review process" and/or after "Acceptance", the authors must have convincing reasons and pay the withdrawal penalty. However, the author(s) can withdraw their papers at "Pre-Review" without paying any charges and/or posing convincing reasons. Besides, Withdrawing at "Post-Publication" is precisely impossible.
"Plagiarism", "Bogus claims of authorship", "Multiple submissions", "Fraudulent use of data or the like", and "Infringements of professional ethical codes" Are the convincing reasons for manuscript withdrawal.
The “Cancellation Fee” for Manuscript Withdrawal from the review process is that the authors must pay $1350 (Low/Middle-Income Countries) or $3400 (High-Income Countries) for the penalty.