year 11, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023, 11(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Lee J, Yang G, Lee M. The Effects of Two Types of Training on the Physical Ability of University Baseball Players. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2023; 11 (2)
1- Korea Institute for Applied Anatomy, College of Sports Science, National Sport University of Korea, Yangjaedero 1239, Songpagu, Seoul, Korea ,
2- Korea Institute for Applied Anatomy, College of Sports Science, National Sport University of Korea, Yangjaedero 1239, Songpagu, Seoul, Korea
3- School of Music and Arts, College of Music and Arts, Dankook University, Jukjeon, Korea
Abstract:   (2317 Views)
Background. Training in any sport aims to maximize athletes’ physical capacity.
Objectives. This study aimed to determine the effects of two training programs, functional training, and weight training, on the physical capacity of university baseball players.
Methods. The participants included 10 university baseball players, divided into the functional training group (FTG, n=5) and the weight training group (WTG, n=5). The training was performed for 1 hour per session, three sessions per week, for 6 weeks. The dependent variables related to the two groups’ physical fitness, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, were measured before training and 6 weeks after training.
Results. The FTG showed significant improvements in right-hand grip strength and plank, and the WTG showed significant improvements in right-hand grip strength, left-hand grip strength, and plank. The FTG showed a significant improvement in side-step, and the WTG showed significant improvements in sit-up and side-step. For anaerobic capacity, the FTG showed significant improvements in pitching and batting speeds, and the WTG showed a significant improvement in batting speed.
Conclusion. Both training programs led to significant improvements in the physical factors associated with increased athletic performance in baseball players, and the two programs’ effects were complementary. Thus, training programs targeting specific areas that require improvement will increase baseball players’ performance.
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• This study supports that functional training and weight training improve physical fitness, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic capacity in university baseball players.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Exercise, Training and Health
Received: 2022/05/11 | Accepted: 2022/07/25

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