year 10, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2022, 10(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Maksum A. Patterns of Physical Activity and Its Impact on the Quality of Life: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2022; 10 (2)
Postgraduate School of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia ,
Abstract:   (3265 Views)
Background. In many countries, including Indonesia, the tendency for non-communicable diseases is increasing. Consequently, health costs must be paid by the state and continue to increase. People's lifestyles, including lack of physical activity, are thought to have contributed significantly to the problem.
Objectives. This study aims to examine the impact of physical activity on quality of life, which is reflected in three main indicators: health, psychological and social.
Methods. The study was conducted in the city of Surabaya and its surroundings with a total of 490 participants, consisting of 245 men and 245 women with an average age of 45.4 ± 15.4 years. Data on physical activity and quality of life were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Results. The test results of the model proved that the value of chi-square= 8.259 with p= 0.409, RMSE = 0.008, NFI = 0.992, and CFI = 1.0. It means that the model was compatible with the data. The model explained that physical activity has a significant effect on the quality of life.
Conclusion. People who exercise regularly are better able to cope with stress, have a lower risk of illness, and have higher pro-social behavior. Therefore, it needs serious efforts from stakeholders, especially the government, to create an ecosystem that allows the growth of movement culture in the community.
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In line with the results of this study, researchers recommend several things to the government, the community, and researchers:
  • First, the government needs to provide adequate financial support for physical activities as a form of investment related to improving the quality of Indonesian human resources. This study has proven that regular physical activity can improve the culprit's quality of life. Therefore, there needs to be a policy that encourages schools, government agencies, and non-governmental institutions, as well as the community, to carry out physical activities regularly. Physical activity must be designed as an inexpensive activity so that the whole community can do it. In addition, program diversification needs to be done by considering demographic characteristics, local conditions, economic levels, etc.
  • Second, new awareness must be raised that physical activity is necessary and therefore needs to be done regularly to fulfill it. The community has the right to receive sports services, including the availability of open space and sports human resources. If these rights have not been fulfilled, they must be fought.
  • Third, this research is ex post facto, in which the researcher does not give treatment to the subjects. So it cannot be ascertained that the positive impact on quality of life is sole as a result of physical activity undertaken by the subjects. Therefore, the same research needs to be done with an experimental approach.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Psychology and its Related Branches
Received: 2021/06/29 | Accepted: 2021/08/14

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