year 10, Issue 3 (Autumn 2022)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2022, 10(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Demir A, Cetin A. Sports Events in the Pandemic: The Case of N Kolay Istanbul Half Marathon. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2022; 10 (3)
1- Faculty of Sports Sciences, Istanbul Ayvansaray University, Istanbul, Turkey ,
2- Sport Istanbul Company, Istanbul Metopolitan Municipality, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract:   (2684 Views)
Background. Sports events are activities carried out in a specific schedule to handle all sports competitions and activities, such as seminars, meetings, courses, panels, and camps, organized for sports purposes.
Objectives. In this study, we aimed to discuss sports events during the pandemic.
Methods. In this context, the present study targeted the 16th NKolay Istanbul Half Marathon on April 4, 2021, and recruited the randomly selected 125 female (23.1%) and 417 male (76.9%) marathon runners in this event. We gathered the data using a demographic information format and a 14-item scale.
Results. We sought answers to four hypotheses by employing a descriptive survey model. Initially, we carried out a pilot study with a sample of 30 people to explore the scale’s validity and replicated the validity study for the primary sample. We performed exploratory factor analysis with the varimax rotation method for the validity study and attempted to confirm the resultant factorial structure using confirmatory factor analysis. We utilized a T-test and one-way analysis of variance to investigate whether the survey subscales differed significantly by the participants’ demographics. We ran statistical analyses on SPSS 20.0 at the 95% confidence interval.
Conclusion. The findings confirmed our first two hypotheses. We were able to confirm the third hypothesis partially. Accordingly, the participants significantly differed in the race destination subscale by only income. Finally, our results rejected the fourth hypothesis. Overall, we may assert that COVID-19 is a prime concern for half marathon runners.
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• Participating in a race in another country is a source of concern due to individual factors and travel restrictions imposed by the countries due to the pandemic expansion.
• Race conditions worry many participants due to COVID-19. Therefore, organizers should take many precautions while carrying out these events and explain them to the participants with an effective communication strategy.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Management and its related branches
Received: 2021/09/30 | Accepted: 2021/11/28

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