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Die Die Z, Sukumaran S. Enhancing Tennis Performance through Visual Training: The Efficacy of Dynamic Vision Exercises. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2024; 12
URL: http://aassjournal.com/article-1-1279-en.html
1- Liming Vocational University, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China.
2- Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology and Music, SEGi University, Malaysia. , sheiladevisukumaran@segi.edu.my
Abstract:   (1685 Views)
Background. This research examined the impact of visual training on tennis skill levels. Tennis demands high visual capabilities from athletes, requiring them to maintain focus throughout the entire game to secure winning points and ensure victory. The significant impact of visual training on enhancing tennis performance has not been thoroughly investigated.
Objectives. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of an 8-week visual training on tennis performance and to identify the correlation between the effects of visual training and Tennis Performance.
Methods. Participants (n=50) engaged in dynamic vision exercises using The Sensory Station Training Application and practiced tennis hitting while wearing dynamic vision training devices. The training program aimed to enhance participants' visual skills in real tennis scenarios. The increase of visual training is an effective method to improve tennis skill levels.
Results. After eight weeks of visual training, the experimental group's ITN average score increased by 40.80 points, indicating a significant improvement. The findings showed that there was no significant improvement in static visual acuity, including visual clarity (Cohen's d=0.05) and perception span (Cohen's d=0.08). However, notable improvements were observed in dynamic visual acuity, specifically in hand-eye coordination (Cohen's d=1.26), reaction time (Cohen's d=1.71), and GO/NO GO (Cohen's d=3.11).
Conclusion. These studies provide compelling evidence supporting the idea that visual training can enhance tennis performance
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  • The primary aim of this study was to examine the impact of visual training on tennis physical education and skill enhancement, focusing on the introduction of a practical visual training method into university sports courses.
  • The experimental group of students who underwent visual ability training during 8 weeks demonstrated substantial improvements in their visual abilities, including static and dynamic visual acuity.
  • The study's results provided evidence that utilizing a dynamic visual training device was effective in enhancing tennis skill levels, particularly when high ball speed and high-focus tasks were employed.
  • This research contextualized its findings by referring to prior studies in various sports like badminton, baseball, table tennis, and football, all of which supported the idea that visual training can significantly improve athletic performance.
  • The study also acknowledged the need for further investigation to determine which specific skills and techniques benefited the most from this training.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Physiology and its related branches
Received: 2023/10/18 | Accepted: 2023/12/28

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