year 3, Issue 2 (Summer 2015)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2015, 3(2): 11-22 | Back to browse issues page

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Gouthon P, Kouassi J, N’Guessan K, Bio-Nigan I, Tonon B, Nouatin B, et al . Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Muscular Reinforcement among Judokas in Developing Countries: Case Study of the Republic of Benin. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2015; 3 (2) :11-22
1- Laboratory PSA and Motricity, National Institute of Youth, Physical Education and Sport (INJEPS), University of Abomey-Calavi ,
Abstract:   (11260 Views)
This cross-sectional survey determined the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice about muscular reinforcement (MR) among judokas in the Republic of Benin as typical of a developing country. It also examined the relations between the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice among these judokas. It was undertaken using a non-probabilistic and exhaustive sample of 79 judokas in the cities of Cotonou and Porto-Novo having a minimum rank of green belt. The levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice were assessed by a questionnaire that comprised 43 items. Information relating to the socio-demographic characteristics and judo practice of the participants were also acquired. The levels among the surveyed judokas were low for knowledge (62 78.5%), attitude (49 62.0%), and practice (49 62.0%). The level of knowledge was significantly associated with attitude and practice for MR (x2= 3.99 p = 0.04 Cramer’s V = 0.22). The association between the levels of attitude and that of practice was non-significant (χ2 = 0.29 p = 0.59). The judokas of developing countries like those in southern Benin would benefit from specific training and participation in more competitions to improve their practice regarding MR and their sports performance.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Exercise, Training and Health
Received: 2015/03/31 | Accepted: 2015/07/23

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