year 4, Issue 2 (Summer 2016)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2016, 4(2): 33-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Nica-Badea D. Social Determinants of Intention to Dope in Sports Clubs and Institutions. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2016; 4 (2) :33-40
Faculty of Medicinal and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Sport and Health, Constantin Brancusi University, Târgu-Jiu, Romania ,
Abstract:   (10209 Views)

Doping is the use of drug for the purpose of improving performance in general and sports performance in particular. Rejection or acceptance of the use of banned substances by athletes is determined by internal factors that are subjective and external or social. Against this background, the present study examined social risk factors as determinants of intention (temptation) to use banned substances and explored the willingness of athletes at the national level, to report the use of substances that enhance performance. The survey method was a self-report questionnaire based on the Romanian National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) model of approaching risk factors associated with the use of prohibited substances, collection of demographic data and use of the Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale (PEAS). The subjects were 171 athletes (mean age = 19.75, std. error = 0.103) and 30 coaches in sporting institutions and universities. The results reveal a complex distribution of environment-specific social-proximity influences of athletes, including the family, social class or professional institution, leisure group, sports team, sports clubs and social representation. The rate of prevalence for performance-enhancing drugs (PED) was 1.23% to 12.0% for NADA (p < 0.05) and 1.1% to 15.0% for the PEAS (p < 0.001) and fall into ranges reported by recent studies (1.2% to 25.8%). The approach used took into account the assumption that doping is a rational behavior and intentional. As such, it provides points of intervention that influence decision-making. The findings reveal the need to consider the contribution of several social support factors that contribute to the trend abuse drugs that increase performance.

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Applicable Remarks

  • Assessing the impact of social factors motivators of doping intent, report targets research and literature data, confirm the general hypothesis that the attitude and behavior of doping is the result of a complex and dynamic influences internal and external structure of personality and social environment can be risk factors or prevention, placing the athlete between illegality and functionality, ethics and morals.
  • Assessing the influence of external factors (social) in the phase of intent, as predictor of rejection or acceptance of the use of dopants agents, may intervene in the decision making process of displacing athletes risk factors in prevention factors.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Psychology and its Related Branches
Received: 2016/04/17 | Accepted: 2016/08/9

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