year 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2018, 6(3): 61-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Javadipour M, Rahbari S. Pathology of the Policy-Making Process in Sport for All in Iran. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2018; 6 (3) :61-72
1- Faculty of Psychology and Education, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran ,
2- Young Researchers and Elites Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8122 Views)
Background. “Sport for all” is associated with the heart of the community and aims to spread joy and happiness, boost morale, increase motivation, promote healthy individual and social life, reduce family and social abnormalities, strengthen physical power, and eliminate mental problems for all people, including men and women, and old and young people.
Objectives. This study aims to evaluate the pathology of the policy-making process in 
sport for all in Iran.
Methods. The methodology of this study utilized an applied mixed-method study. The population of the study consisted of executives and experts of sports for all in Iran. In the qualitative study, by using targeted and criterion sampling methods, 16 subjects were selected as a sample. Data was collected by conducting interviews. Then, the data from the interviews by Streubert and Carpenter’s method (2011) were coded and analyzed. In the quantitative study, the samples were selected by using a simple random sampling method; the data was collected
by using a questionnaire that was extracted from qualitative research. Data analysis in this section was performed by using the SPSS software and the Friedman test.
Results. In the qualitative study, the findings showed that the organizational components, beliefs and cultures, economic conditions, scientific analysis and interpretation of studies, and research were factors that affected the policy-making process of sport for all in Iran. The existing weaknesses of the policy-making process in
sport for all in Iran included weak control and monitoring, weak structure, weak planning and execution, weak performance of media, limited financial resources, weak performance of human resources, rules, and limited partnership of academic and research centers.
Conclusion. In general, the findings showed that the policy-making process for sport for all in Iran was associated with certain weaknesses and challenges; they must be recognized and modified based on scientific methods. Strengthening the close communication between the individuals responsible, policy-making organizations, and universities in the field have been suggested.
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• It is suggested that the close communication between those responsible and the policy-making organizations and universities in this field should be strengthened, requirements are to be announced, for the process and its sensitive guidance, it is essential to have accredited research centers as policy research centers at the university, in which the management team of this center can be managed by a joint board of the Ministry of Sports, the National Olympic Committee, and other executive agencies.
• Reforming the existing structure of public sports is essential so that the components of the public sports system, including policy-making, planning, implementation, and monitoring are separated and also complementary to each other.
• General education and awareness, and creating a broad and inclusive partnership in the public sports policy-making model of Iran must have a central role.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Sport Management and its related branches
Received: 2017/12/3 | Accepted: 2018/05/8

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