year 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2019, 7(3): 57-63 | Back to browse issues page

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Al-Mashhadi R A A. Effectiveness of SWOT and Kaizen in the Dominance of the Brain and the Hypocritical Personality of Physical Education Students. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2019; 7 (3) :57-63
Responsible Sports Activities, Faculty of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq ,
Abstract:   (4277 Views)
Background. Teachers including university professors insist on keeping up to date with the updating of students' information and developing their scientific potentials, through use of diverse teaching strategies.
Objectives. Identifying on the brain dominance and the hypocritical personality for students, knowledge effect SWOT and Kaizen strategy in the brain dominance and the hypocritical personality for student and knowledge the strategies which achieve more development in the brain dominance and reduce the hypocritical personality for students.
Methods. Two methods were used the descriptive method in measurement of the brain dominance and hypocritical personality, and the experimental method to determine the effectiveness of using the SWOT and Kaizen strategies in developing the brain dominance and reduce the hypocritical personality with fourth stage students in Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, sample of the research 60 students and duration of the procedures 14 weeks.
Results. The SWOT and Kaizen are of the important strategies. Teachers should use it with their students to learn and develop brain dominance and reduction hypocritical personality for students.
Conclusion. Brain dominance and hypocritical personality is centered within the moderate normative level of the students, SWOT and Kaizen strategies play a small role in development of the brain dominance and effective in reducing the hypocritical personality for students, there is no difference between the Kaizen and SWOT strategies in developing the brain dominance and a SWOT strategy is better than Kaizen's strategy for reducing students' hypocritical personality.
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• A dopting teacher on the Kaizen and SWOT strategies as modern strategies in teaching for the various materials and sports skills for their important role in the educational process.
• On teachers seek to address the problems of the hypocritical personality and development the brain dominance for their students.
• Confirmation the teachers on the two strategies to reduce the student's hypocritical personality.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Physical Education Learning
Received: 2019/03/14 | Accepted: 2019/05/29

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