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• It is suggested that Indonesia should use a sports science approach through a prediction test of athlete talent. According to the results of this study, the athlete's talent prediction test is very helpful in getting information about potential athletes.
• The athletic talent identification program is emphasized only at 12-15 years. According to the study results, this age is a safe range for implementing the talent prediction test. Meanwhile, after 15 years, it is included in the category of talent development.
• Anthropometric measurements and biomotor tests in predicting talent are highly recommended. Test items can also be added with others to complete.
• Based on the results, this athletics talent prediction test can be applied to all regions of Indonesia with the characteristics of children in the age range of 12-15 years. Despite the selection of locations in two cities that are centers of excellent athletes.
• The test item compiled by the researcher is made with easy steps so that it can be used by regional trainers and sports teachers and does not require costly equipment.
• The city of Lombok has a higher number of talented athletes due to an intense training culture factor marked by a large number of athletic clubs. This confirms that the culture of practice influences the results of the aptitude prediction test.
• Considering the results, it is also recommended to look at other factors such as physiological, psychological, sociological, and cultural to see the prize optimally.