year 9, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021)                   Ann Appl Sport Sci 2021, 9(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Salih M M M, Hashim R S, Kasim M A. Forecasting Achievement Sports through Cooperative Learning in Handball Training in Physical Education. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2021; 9 (3)
1- College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Misan, Maysan, Iraq ,
2- College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Misan, Maysan, Iraq
3- Directorate of Misan Education, Ministry of Education, Iraq
Abstract:   (3267 Views)
Background. This work studied 60 university students who were registered in two handball training classes in the second year of Physical Education and Sports Science throughout the academic year 2017 to 2018.
Objectives. It aims to identify the impact of two different training styles (cooperative and traditional) on players’ achievements and basic techniques in a handball learning unit.
Methods. Hence, the sample was divided into the control and experiment groups. The experiment group was subjected to the cooperative training technique, whereas the control group was subjected to the traditional training (teacher-cantered) technique. The complying instruments were used to collect learning design inventory, handball achievement tests, handball techniques, and assessment forms.
Results. The handball attitude scale revealed that cooperative training during a handball training class has a stronger link to students’ sporting activities achievements, class attitude, and exercise skills compared to traditional training. Results of players’ test range suggest that they prefer cooperative training.
Conclusions. This study can help researchers and practitioners conduct Cooperative Learning intervention programs Physical Education in Schools and Universities.
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• Cooperative training provides our students with many meaningful learning opportunities, and the use of both models offers many advantages.
• We strongly believe that these models provide many advantages that a conventional method of training cannot offer.
• The repercussive is that student motivation can be enhanced and student conduct can be strengthened by the proper use of these models!
• Teachers must be prepared to make deliberate improvements to enhance the teaching and experience of their students. Teachers must also be encouraged and compensated for using these models.
• It is important to adapt and adjust our pedagogical approach where appropriate, and by adopting the cooperative training model in sports games, we can give our students many advantages that can have a positive effect on basic game skills.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Physical Education Learning
Received: 2020/11/20 | Accepted: 2021/01/23

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