year 12, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024)  

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Abstract (1995 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (985 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Building an intervention plan that focuses on developing stoic principles and emotional intelligence among budding athletes is necessary.
• Provide the players with psychological skills through training and educational meetings that advocate the efficacy of stoic principles.
• The findings of this study must be provided to the Federation concerned with the game and the Olympic Committee.
• There is a necessity for workshops and training courses for workers in the sports field, particularly track and field and various sports.

Abstract (2345 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (821 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Heat acclimatisation is an avenue for athletes in competitive sports in hot environments to understand and improve their performance, reduce the risk of heat-induced illness, and even improve better quality of athletes lives.
• Sports federations and trainers should encourage athletes to participate in HA programs to make them aware of quality adaptation and know the dos and don'ts of the program.
• Hence, HA programs should include gradual exposure to hot environments, both with and without exercise.

Abstract (1505 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (322 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• The findings can be used to understand injury prevention better and reduce the number of injuries.
• Based on the players' attitudes towards injuries and the use of prevention programs, the study can further develop the existing prevention programs used or propose the creation of their programs based on the results.
• Another practical implication of the results with applicable remarks is additional education of all medical and sports staff, which is needed for all football game participants to implement prevention programs that are more accessible, more precise, and more productive.

Abstract (1609 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (842 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• It should be taken into consideration that intrinsic motivation is an essential variable in recreational participation, and at the same time, recreation experience preference is also a significant factor. Therefore, it can be ensured that recreation programs can be organized in this direction by evaluating the relevant variables in different recreational field participation.
• In addition, the effects of recreation experience preference and intrinsic motivation on each other and the relationship between them can be investigated with different sample groups.
• Studies can be expanded by conducting similar research in different geographical locations.
• At the same time, in addition to the quantitative research method, qualitative data can be obtained, and the participants' perspectives can be included in the study by obtaining their opinions.

Abstract (2994 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1008 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Research results show that using less duration and a smaller number of repetitions of static stretching exercises and more dynamic stretching exercises in the applied warm-up protocols is beneficial.
• It can be said that individual warm-up exercises combined with a short-term high-intensity warm-up protocol, as opposed to the traditional 45-minute warm-up protocol, increase the vertical jump performance of women volleyball players.
• A short-term high-intensity warm-up protocol is the best to acutely improve vertical jump height in women volleyball players, when compared to traditional warm-up protocol and when each one is applied by itself.
• It is thought that a short-term high-intensity warm-up protocol has a positive effect on vertical jump height and that including it in warm-up programs in sports where vertical jump is a performance criterion may have positive effects.

Abstract (1262 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (526 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Exercise benefits health but can also lead to exercise-induced oxidative stress, particularly in anaerobic intermittent types.
• Oxidative stress induced by exercise can be mitigated by utilizing antioxidant agents.
• Strawberries are effective antioxidant agents, comparable in efficacy to the well-established vitamin E.

Abstract (1546 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1760 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Positive motivation and effective communication make individuals more successful in sports, enabling them to reach their goals and objectives more accurately.

Abstract (909 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (320 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• The study confirms that the Biodex dynamometer and Vicon motion capture system are reliable tools for assessing individual quadriceps muscle strength in sedentary males.
• The Biodex shows consistent reliability across frequencies, and the Vicon excels at higher frequencies.
• These methods should be further developed and standardized for longitudinal tracking and targeted rehabilitation programs, particularly for addressing muscle-specific strength deficits and imbalances that can occur from fatigue and injury.
• This reliability supports their broader application in various populations and clinical settings.

Abstract (801 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (268 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • Attacking skills are believed to be crucial in any tournament of the shuttlecock games, and the training program, with a careful supplementing of thirteen exercises, enhanced the technical performance.
  • The results of this study may be adequate training for shuttlecock athletes of the same age and gender across Vietnam.

Abstract (580 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (214 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Since the nerves responsible for pain travel through muscles, when headaches and shoulder pain occur, intentional stimulation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, occipital triangle, and upper trapezius, through which major nerves pass, helps relieve pain.
• Headaches and shoulder pain should be classified, and the time of occurrence and duration of pain should be considered.
• Cases of liquid treatment, visits to medical institutions, and cases of occurrence without a specific cause should also be considered.
• Intentional stimulation of muscles helps circulation and has no side effects, but care must be taken in finding the stimulation point.

Abstract (677 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (245 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • This study suggests that athletes with a pes cavus foot structure should focus on training programs that enhance their somatosensory system, which shapes motor control and visual systems.

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