year 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018)  

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Abstract (7556 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1255 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Through this questionnaire, brand managers can investigate and assessment their brand among other rivals to develop their brand and increase their brand power.
• Through this questionnaire, 
sport marketers can identify the most important factors to have a strong brand between customers.

Abstract (6182 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1234 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Attentional focus training without emphasis on the internal and external aspects of attention can be used to improve the balance in sedentary older adults.

Abstract (8123 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1372 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• It is suggested that the close communication between those responsible and the policy-making organizations and universities in this field should be strengthened, requirements are to be announced, for the process and its sensitive guidance, it is essential to have accredited research centers as policy research centers at the university, in which the management team of this center can be managed by a joint board of the Ministry of Sports, the National Olympic Committee, and other executive agencies.
• Reforming the existing structure of public sports is essential so that the components of the public sports system, including policy-making, planning, implementation, and monitoring are separated and also complementary to each other.
• General education and awareness, and creating a broad and inclusive partnership in the public sports policy-making model of Iran must have a central role.

Abstract (9335 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (2348 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Using the advantages of selected plyometric training on an unstable surface, as presented in this study, sports coaches and corrective exercise specialists can improve the sports performance, movement pattern, and the performance of basketball players.

Abstract (8789 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1404 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• It is suggested that sport psychologists consider the mental needs of adolescent volleyball players, especially in terms of fear, stress reactions and their self-confidence. Options include use cognitive restructuring, visualization and guided relaxation.
• Additionally, goal setting, positive self-talk 
and personal affirmation may be used to build and manage self-confidence and player self-confidence.

Abstract (7559 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1759 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Determining the MTHFR C677T genotype will be helpful for trainers, coaches, and cyclists when setting up training and recovery time sessions. Also, having information about MTHFR C677T will be helpful for folic acid or multivitamin supplementation.

Abstract (10047 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1560 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Basketball players can keep their basic training during Ramadan.
• Coaches and fitness trainers can use this 
modeling training program (RSA and SSG) during Ramadan without fear of decreased aerobic and anaerobic performances.

Abstract (6889 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1135 Downloads)   |   Highlights
• Within an organization, the hierarchy between management and employees plays a major role. It is important to implement a decision-making process in order to make each person’s role clear and understandable.
• Sound and effective communication with the operational center (stakeholders and coordinators), within the strategic summit (managers), and between the two (line of command), remains fundamental in any organization. It is relevant to provide follow-up.
• It is important to make available and accessible the knowledge developed within the organization, especially in order to improve 
action. Respect for each step of the transfer of knowledge process remains essential.

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