year 9, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)  

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Abstract (4866 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1620 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • Considering the expansion and specialization of studies in the field of sports marketing, a study can also examine and compare the impact of sport on the attention of different groups of society such as athletes, non-athletes, fans, non-fans.
  • The other research can investigate the impact of age on attention to sports and non-sports advertising.
  • Another study can investigate and compare the amount of attention paid to national sports advertising with international samples.
  • Attention taking to sport ads should be compared using other neuromarketing tools such as ocular trackers, FMRIs, and so on.
  • The impact of sports scenes and advertising on other factors influencing advertising success, such as being pleasant, retention in mind, re-branding, etc. should be carefully examined considering different bands' changes and comparing them to non-sports advertising.

Abstract (4764 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (2165 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  •        From an executive and practical point of view, the results of this study can provide useful information for sports marketers, manufacturers and sellers of sports and non-sports goods, sport clubs, sports industry policy-makers and advertising experts on increasing the effectiveness of advertising programs with regard to the frequency of sending advertisements based on the TARP phenomenon. In other words, our research has shown that it is better for advertising designers of sports manufacturing and services companies to adjust the number of advertisements based on the TARP phenomenon, since sending advertisement more or less than the standard tarp level reduces the influence of advertising on brand awareness and purchase intention of the customers.
  •        Additionally, due to the high cost of designing and sending each advertisement and since the results showed that sending advertisement more than the standard TARP level is less influential compared to sending advertisement at the standard TARP level, it is recommended for advertising companies that there is no need to spend costs more than the standard to get the maximum effectiveness of advertising and by saving the costs in this area they can use other advertising strategy such as celebrity endorsers and sponsoring sports events.
  •        Also, according to the results of this study, most of the statistical samples used at least one social media, so it is recommended to the activists and policymakers in the field of marketing and advertising to move away from traditional advertising space such as advertising billboards, television and so on and make more use of the Internet as a channel to communicate with their customers. In this regard, as it was found in the present study, in today’s Iranian society, telegram is considered as one of the most popular social media, so it is recommended for authorities in the area of communication to provide appropriate conditions to remove the filter of this application and provide the conditions for making the optimum use of it. Of course, we had some limitations of research such as the mere use of Telegram among the masses of social media, brand artificiality and statistical sample that is limited to the student and educated population. Before applying the results of this research, it is necessary to pay attention to the differences between the conditions of this study and those of new environment.

Abstract (3059 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1119 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • Coaches explain to athletes the importance of psychological skills in achieving high levels of performance.
  • Coaches should note that the age of beginning a sport depends on the type of sports being practiced.

Abstract (2862 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (2767 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • Inhibition time can play an essential role in identifying stop and control processes.
  • The experimental method used in this research project can be used with great confidence in similar research fields because the results of this study are mostly consistent with the results of similar research.
  • Researchers should be more careful about using the principle of the No Return Point hypothesis. In laboratory conditions, they should control the type of variables and the type of task. However, the results of this study confirm the basics of this hypothesis.

Abstract (3949 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (2101 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • The findings of this study could be beneficial for coaches and policymakers. Moreover, all of the Indonesian people could also be benefited from this finding by providing equal opportunities for their children to participate and excel in all types of sports regardless of their gender.

Abstract (5361 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1727 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • The training process requires a science and technology approach, as well as the support of the right methods to produce peak performance.
  • It is hoped that the results of this research adaptable for coaches, athletes, and physical education teachers in increasing the concentration of athletes so that athletes stay focused and able to anticipate, and possess the ability to make decisions quickly and accurately.

Abstract (5241 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1358 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • There are currently no approved drugs to treat COVID-19. The drugs available for COVID-19 primarily act as a protease. Herbal medicines and supplements studied in this study can act as COVID-19 inhibitors through anti-inflammatory, Antioxidants effects, as well as boosting the immune system. However, further research on the dosage and other possible uses of these supplements is necessary for patients with COVID-19.

Abstract (3063 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1347 Downloads)   |   Highlights
  • The information obtained in this study is usable as a reference for developing women's potential in achievement sports.
  • Furthermore, the results obtained are useful for coaches, management, physical education teachers, and the government to carry out activities in the field that are following the nature of Indonesian women but do not limit women's potential sports achievements.

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